Spiritual Deepening 🦋 Expansion 🦋 Exploration 🦋 


DMS Daily-ish Quotes: Embracing Our Human Experience

You can be spiritual and heartbroken. You can be spiritual and depressed. You can be spiritual and angry. Spirituality helps you to face the human experience. Not suppress it. ~ Author Unknown

The spiritual journey is not about absolution from the human experience; it’s about appreciating, expanding and going even deeper into what it truly means to be human with a spiritual understanding. ~ Daniel Martinez Stahl

For more: www.DMS.lol & www.SwLuv.cc

SwL Podcast-001 🦋 A Journey of Integrating Human and Spirit 🦋 w. Ana Maria Vasquez 🦋

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Daniel Martinez Stahl_LakeChair-V_IMG_3920

A Little About Your Host ~ Daniel Martinez Stahl  

We are all on a quest to find our true selves throughout our lives. This site and the work that I do is an autobiographical representation of my own journey and the passion I feel to share what I have learned about what it means to be both Spirit and Human, and the symbiotic relationship between the two. In doing so, the hope is that my journey can help you connect, awaken and remember the true greatness, majesty and magnitude of who you are. So that you can create the life you want to live, with even more joy, abundance and love. To learn about my other projects:

   Daniel Martinez Stahl www.DMS.lol Spiritual Development Wbg Logo_900   (If you wish, you can Read More About Me Here.)

May We All Soar With Inspiration, Explore With Passion and Live With Love.
   ~ Lots of Love, Daniel 🙂❤️

Being Spirit ❤️ Being Human ❤️ Simply Being from Love ❤️


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