Below you will find a selection of FREE Masterclasses, along with their accompanying courses, that have been specifically created for you as part of the Spirit w.Love project. They are specifically created in the moment of the recording with very little structure so that the content is fresh, in the moment and hopefully as engaging for you to listen to as one of our podcast episodes.
As the host of the courses, I have invited friends and experts to co-create these programs with me so that we can create something that is engaging and simple, yet powerful and useful to help you to deepen your spiritual understanding, explore new subjects that interest you and to grow into an even more expansive version of yourself.
We are honored that you would allow us to be a part of your spiritual journey and are grateful that you are part of ours. We hope these different programs are as much fun for you to attend as it was for us to create them.
These are relaxed and lighthearted conversations, which are responsive in the moment, with little scripting if any (maybe just a short list of what we might want to discuss in that particular session), which will be similar to the approach and energy of the podcast.
Though each program will be slightly different, the intention is to offer a very useful, powerful and content-rich Masterclass, which would work like the introduction and general overview of the respective topic, in preparation and in partnership with the full course.
💧Beginning: Introduction and general overview of the topic
💧Middle: Guidance on how to develop their skill and deepen their understanding of the topic
💧Ending: What this topic has to offer and the different ways to continue exploring this on their own
💧Earlier Episodes: Go deeper into the discussion and overview of the respective topic
💧Middle Episodes: Explore and expand on going deeper and strengthen the understanding or skill
💧Ending Episodes: Integrate the information back into our regular Human experience